Sweety hair bleach
Cream bleach. Formulated for applications at the hair root. The bisabolol in the formula makes it gentle and soothing. It can be used to bleach the whole head. Sweety hair bleach owes its creaminess to Vaseline oil, which acts as a barrier to protect the skin and safely bleach. It is used on the skin at 10/20 vol. and for pickling. Advantages: being a cream product, it adheres better to the base and facilitates application, without causing tingling and redness on the skin.
Active ingredients
Complex oil – Bisabolol
150 ml
The ideal treatment for a flawless and trendy blonde
Deco.The blond, always current, reinvents itself.To follow the trends and desires of every woman.Infinite shades capable of giving three-dimensionality and brilliance to the color

Before mixing and applying, it is recommended to wear protective gloves
Squeeze the required amount of Sweety hair beach into a non-metallic bowl in a 1:2 ratio with Deco Activator or Art 20-30 vol, depending on the height of the color tone and the desired degree of lightening
Mix carefully until you get a homogeneous cream
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